What Are the People from Nepal Called

What Are the People from Nepal Called?

Nepal, a land of breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is also home to diverse and vibrant communities. Have you ever wondered what the people from Nepal are called? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will enlighten you about the fascinating term used to refer to the inhabitants of this enchanting country.

So, prepare to embark on a delightful journey of discovery as we explore the intriguing identity of the people from Nepal.

Nepal’s Demographics


Nepal is a beautiful and diverse country located in South Asia, nestled between China and India. It is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and religions that make up its vibrant society. In this article, we will explore the demographics of Nepal, including its population, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, and religious composition. We will also delve into the various names used to refer to the people of Nepal, both within the country and internationally.


As of 2021, Nepal has an estimated population of over 30 million people. This makes it the 49th most populous country in the world. The population is concentrated in the fertile valleys and plains, with the majority residing in the capital city of Kathmandu and the surrounding areas. Despite being a small landlocked nation, Nepal boasts a diverse array of ethnic groups, each contributing to the cultural fabric of the country.

Ethnic Diversity

Nepal is a melting pot of various ethnic communities, each with its own distinct traditions, customs, and languages. The major ethnic groups in Nepal include the Bahun, Chhetri, Newar, Tharu, Gurung, Magar, Tamang, Rai, Limbu, and Sherpa, among others. These ethnic communities have shaped the history, culture, and social dynamics of Nepal for centuries. The government recognizes and celebrates the diversity of these ethnic groups, ensuring that their cultural heritage is preserved and protected.

Linguistic Diversity

Alongside its ethnic diversity, Nepal also boasts remarkable linguistic diversity. The official language of Nepal is Nepali, spoken by a significant portion of the population. However, there are numerous other languages spoken throughout the country. Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Tamang, and Nepal Bhasa are some of the prominent native languages spoken by various ethnic groups. The linguistic diversity underscores the richness of Nepal’s cultural mosaic and serves as a testament to the country’s multicultural identity.

Religious Composition

Nepal is known as a religiously diverse country, with freedom of religion guaranteed by its constitution. Hinduism is the majority religion in Nepal, followed by Buddhism, Islam, and various indigenous animist traditions. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, and mosques can be found scattered across the country, each offering a unique spiritual experience. Nepal’s religious landscape adds another layer of cultural depth to its already diverse society.

Ethnic Names in Nepal


The term “Nepalese” is often used to refer to the people of Nepal. It is a broader, more inclusive term that encompasses individuals from all ethnic backgrounds within the country. When used internationally, “Nepalese” generally refers to anyone from Nepal, regardless of their specific ethnicity.


“Nepali” is an ethnic identity specifically referring to individuals belonging to the Khas-Kura ethnic group, which is the largest ethnic community in Nepal. The Nepali language, also known as Khas-Kura, is the mother tongue of this community. However, it is important to note that “Nepali” is often used interchangeably with “Nepalese” to denote anyone from Nepal.


The term “Gurkhas” is widely recognized worldwide and has become synonymous with Nepal. The term originally referred to soldiers from Nepal who served in the British Army and later gained a reputation for their bravery and loyalty. Today, the term “Gurkhas” is often used to refer to the Nepalese people in a general sense, while specifically highlighting their historical military contribution.


The Sherpas are an ethnic group known for their mountaineering skills and close association with the Himalayas. They primarily reside in the high-altitude regions of eastern Nepal. The Sherpa community has gained international recognition for their invaluable support to mountaineering expeditions, particularly on Mount Everest.


The Newars are an indigenous ethnic group native to the Kathmandu Valley. They have their own unique language, Nepal Bhasa, and a rich cultural heritage. The Newar community is renowned for their artistry, craftsmanship, and intricate architecture, which is prominently displayed in the temples, palaces, and squares of the Kathmandu Valley.


The Tharus are an indigenous ethnic group predominantly residing in the Terai region of Nepal. They have a distinct language and culture that sets them apart from other ethnic communities. The Tharu people have a deep connection with the forests and are known for their traditional knowledge of herbal medicine and sustainable farming practices.


The Tamang community is one of the largest ethnic groups in Nepal. They primarily reside in the central and eastern regions of the country. The Tamang people have their own language and follow a unique blend of Buddhism, Shamanism, and animist traditions. Their vibrant cultural practices, including traditional music and dance, are a testament to their rich heritage.


The Limbus, also known as Yakthumba, are an indigenous ethnic group found mainly in the eastern hills and Terai regions of Nepal. They have their own language and exhibit a distinct cultural identity. The Limbus have contributed significantly to the fields of literature, music, and sports in Nepal, making their mark on the country’s cultural landscape.


The Rais are another indigenous ethnic group in Nepal, mainly inhabiting the hilly and mountainous regions of the country. They have their unique language and cultural traditions. The Rais are known for their vibrant festivals, agricultural practices, and traditional crafts, which provide insights into their deep-rooted connection with the land.


The Magars are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nepal, residing primarily in the western and central regions of the country. They have their own language and culture, known for their martial traditions and agricultural practices. The Magar community has made significant contributions to the Nepalese Army, sports, and literary endeavors.

Native Languages in Nepal


Nepali, also known as Khas-Kura, is the official language of Nepal. It is widely spoken by a significant portion of the population, particularly belonging to the Khas-Kura ethnic group. Nepali is an Indo-Aryan language and is written using the Devanagari script. It serves as a unifying force in Nepal, bridging different ethnic communities through a common language.


Maithili is a major native language spoken in the southeastern Terai region of Nepal. It is also spoken in several states of neighboring India. Maithili belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family and has its own distinctive script. The Maithili language has a rich literary heritage, with ancient texts and folk literature being an integral part of its cultural identity.


Bhojpuri is another significant native language spoken in the eastern Terai region of Nepal. It is also prevalent in various parts of India, especially in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Bhojpuri is an Indo-Aryan language with its own script. It is known for its vibrant folk songs, which often express the emotions and aspirations of the rural population.


Tharu is a native language primarily spoken by the Tharu ethnic community living in the Terai region of Nepal. It is also spoken in parts of India. Tharu belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family and has its own unique script. The language reflects the Tharu people’s deep connection to nature and their reliance on agriculture and forest resources for their livelihoods.


The Tamang community has its own native language, which is also called Tamang. It belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family and is predominantly spoken in the central and eastern regions of Nepal. The Tamang language has a distinct script and is known for its complex verbal conjugation system. It plays a vital role in preserving the Tamang cultural heritage.

Nepal Bhasa

Nepal Bhasa, also known as Newari, is a prominent native language spoken by the Newar community in the Kathmandu Valley. It is a Tibeto-Burman language and enjoys the status of a cultural language. Nepal Bhasa has a rich literary tradition, with ancient texts, scripts, and religious scriptures written in this language. It represents the Newar community’s deep-rooted connection to their cultural heritage.

Nepal’s Religious Groups


Hinduism is the largest religious group in Nepal, with the majority of the population identifying as Hindus. The rich Hindu heritage is deeply ingrained in the Nepalese society, and numerous temples and shrines dedicated to different Hindu deities can be found throughout the country. Hindu festivals, such as Dashain and Tihar, are celebrated with great fervor and are an integral part of Nepal’s cultural fabric.


Buddhism has a significant presence in Nepal, particularly in the mountainous regions. The birthplace of Gautam Buddha, Lumbini, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a pilgrimage destination for Buddhists from around the world. Buddhist monasteries, stupas, and prayer flags dot the landscapes of Nepal, providing a tranquil spiritual retreat for both locals and visitors.


Islam is practiced by a significant minority in Nepal, primarily by the Muslim community. Mosques can be found in various parts of the country, especially in urban centers. The Muslim community has made notable contributions to Nepal’s culture, cuisine, and trade, adding to the cultural diversity and vibrancy of the nation.


Kiratism, or the Kirat religion, is an indigenous animist tradition followed by the Kirat ethnic community in Nepal. It predates Hinduism and Buddhism and is characterized by a deep reverence for nature and ancestral spirits. The Kirat people celebrate various festivals and have their own distinct rituals, folklore, and cultural practices that reflect their intimate connection with the land.


Christianity has a smaller, but growing, presence in Nepal. Various Christian denominations operate in the country, and churches can be found in urban areas. The Christian community actively engages in social welfare activities, contributing to education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation initiatives.

Other Religions

Nepal is also home to followers of other religions, including Sikhs, Jains, Bahá’ís, and followers of indigenous animist traditions. These religious communities enrich the cultural landscape of Nepal, promoting tolerance, inclusivity, and mutual respect among different faiths.

Geographical Names for People from Nepal


The term “Nepali” is commonly used to refer to individuals from Nepal, regardless of their specific geographic origin within the country. It is a general term that encompasses people from all regions and ethnic communities of Nepal.


Similar to “Nepali,” “Nepalese” is used to refer to the people of Nepal as a whole, without specifying their geographic origin or ethnicity. Internationally, “Nepalese” is commonly used to refer to anyone from Nepal.


“Gorkhali” refers to the people from the Gorkha region of Nepal, which is known for its historical significance. The term originates from the Gorkhali soldiers who played a crucial role in expanding the Kingdom of Nepal. It is often used to emphasize the martial spirit and bravery associated with the people from this region.


“Himali” is a term used to refer to individuals from the Himalayan regions of Nepal. It alludes to the majestic Himalayan mountain range that stretches across the northern part of the country. The term highlights the close relationship between the people from these regions and their awe-inspiring natural surroundings.


Similar to “Himali,” the term “Himalayan” is used to describe individuals who hail from the regions near the Himalayas. It conveys a sense of connection to the towering mountains, rugged landscapes, and unique biodiversity that characterize the Himalayan region of Nepal.

Prominent Ethnic Communities in Nepal

Indigenous Ethnic Groups

Nepal is home to various indigenous ethnic groups, each with its own distinct customs, traditions, and languages. These communities have a deep-rooted connection to the land, and their cultural heritage is intertwined with their ancestral territories. The indigenous ethnic groups make up a significant part of Nepal’s population and contribute to the rich tapestry of diversity and cultural traditions.

Brahmin and Chhetri

Brahmin and Chhetri are two prominent high-caste ethnic communities in Nepal. Historically, they held positions of power and privilege in society. The Brahmin community, traditionally associated with the priestly class, is responsible for performing religious rituals and ceremonies. The Chhetri community, known for their martial traditions, has played a vital role in Nepal’s military and administration. Both communities have made significant contributions to Nepal’s cultural, political, and social fabric.


The Madhesi community predominantly resides in the Terai region of Nepal, along the southern border with India. They have distinct cultural practices and traditions influenced by the neighboring Indian states. The Madhesi community has made substantial contributions to Nepal’s cuisine, music, and arts, adding to the multicultural identity of the country.

Rai and Limbu

The Rai and Limbu communities are indigenous ethnic groups primarily found in the eastern hills and Terai regions of Nepal. They have rich cultural traditions, including vibrant festivals, music, and dance. The Rai and Limbu people have actively preserved their cultural heritage amidst modernization, ensuring their unique identity is celebrated and passed down to future generations.


Dalits, also known as “untouchables” or “lower caste,” represent a marginalized community in Nepal. Historically subjected to social discrimination and exclusion, the Dalits have been fighting for their rights and social inclusion. The Dalit community has made significant strides in various fields, including politics, literature, and human rights activism, challenging societal norms and advocating for equality and justice.

Nepal’s Cultural and Traditional Diversity


Nepal is renowned for its vibrant festivals, which showcase the country’s cultural and religious diversity. Dashain, Tihar, and Holi are among the major Hindu festivals celebrated with great enthusiasm throughout the nation. Buddhist festivals like Buddha Jayanti and Lhosar, along with cultural celebrations such as Bisket Jatra and Gai Jatra, add further vibrancy to Nepal’s festival calendar. These festivities are marked by colorful rituals, music, dance, and communal feasts that bring people together and foster a sense of unity.


Nepalese cuisine reflects the country’s agricultural heritage and diverse ethnic traditions. Dal Bhat Tarkari, Nepal’s national dish, consists of lentil soup, rice, and a vegetable curry. Momos, delicious steamed dumplings filled with various types of meat or vegetables, are a popular street food. Dhindo, a staple made from buckwheat or maize flour, and Gundruk, a fermented leafy green vegetable, are traditional dishes enjoyed by many. Nepal’s cuisine proudly presents a fusion of flavors, spices, and cooking techniques that cater to various tastes.

Traditional Attire

Nepal’s traditional attire varies across different ethnic communities, each with its unique style and significance. The Newar community is known for their elegant Haku Patasi, a traditional blouse with a distinctive design worn by women. The national dress for men, known as the Daura Suruwal, is a knee-length shirt with a wraparound garment tied at the waist. The Gurungs are recognized for their distinctive maroon and blue Warrior attire, while the Sherpas often don the traditional Tibetan-inspired dress. These traditional outfits hold cultural value and are worn on special occasions, weddings, and festivals.

Music and Dance

Nepal’s music and dance traditions showcase the country’s cultural diversity, with each ethnic community contributing its unique styles and rhythms. Folk music, such as the soulful melodies of the Sarangi, Madal drum beats, and haunting tunes of the Piwancha, transport listeners to the heart of Nepalese heritage. Traditional dance forms like the Newari Lakhey dance, Tamang Selo, and Gurung Ghantu dance embody the cultural expressions tied to religious rituals, harvest celebrations, and life’s various milestones.

Art and Handicrafts

Nepal has a rich artistic tradition, with intricate sculptures, woodcarvings, paintings, and metalwork adorning temples, palaces, and historical landmarks. The beautiful Thangka paintings, depicting Buddhist deities and stories, are highly regarded and exported worldwide. Handwoven textiles, such as Dhaka, Dhaka Topi (hats), and Pote (necklaces), are cherished cultural symbols. Various forms of craftsmanship, including pottery, pottery, metalwork, and stone carving, make Nepal a hub of artistic expression and creativity.

Immigration and Non-Nepali Residents

Bhutanese Refugees

Nepal has been a host to a significant number of Bhutanese refugees since the late 1980s. These refugees, primarily of Nepali origin, migrated from Bhutan due to political persecution. The Nepalese government, United Nations, and international organizations have provided support to these refugees, assisting in their resettlement and ensuring their access to basic services such as education and healthcare.

Indian Community

Nepal shares a long and porous border with India, resulting in a substantial Indian community residing in Nepal. Many Indians live in Nepal for various reasons, including business, employment, education, and cultural exchange. This cross-border movement promotes people-to-people ties and cultural exchange between the two neighboring nations.

Tibetan Refugees

Nepal has been a transit point and temporary home for Tibetan refugees escaping political repression in Tibet. The Tibetan community in Nepal includes both long-term residents and those en route to India, where the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile are based. The Tibetan refugees have contributed significantly to Nepal’s handicraft industry and Tibetan Buddhist cultural practices.

Foreign Expatriates

Nepal’s natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and growing economy attract a significant number of foreign expatriates. These expatriates include individuals working in diplomatic missions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the tourism industry. They contribute to Nepal’s development and cultural diversity, bringing their expertise and experiences from around the world.

Social Harmony and National Identity

Multi-cultural Society

Nepal’s multicultural society, characterized by its ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity, fosters social harmony and inclusivity. Despite the myriad of cultural backgrounds, Nepalese people live together in peaceful coexistence, respecting each other’s traditions and celebrating their shared values. The multicultural fabric of Nepal weaves a tapestry of unity in diversity, creating a society that embraces different identities and perspectives.

Unity in Diversity

Nepal takes great pride in its motto “unity in diversity.” The diverse ethnic, linguistic, and religious communities of Nepal contribute to the overarching national identity that transcends individual differences. The Nepalese people recognize the value of diversity as a strength, forging a common bond that unifies the nation and promotes harmony among its citizens.

National Pride

Nepal’s national pride stems from its historical significance, natural beauty, and rich cultural heritage. The achievements of notable historical figures, such as King Prithvi Narayan Shah and Araniko, evoke a sense of national pride and identity. The majestic Himalayas, Mount Everest, and the birthplace of Gautam Buddha enhance the country’s natural beauty and serve as sources of national pride that unite the Nepalese people.

Strength through Diversity

Nepal draws strength from its diverse communities, languages, and religions. The coexistence and interdependence of various ethnic groups contribute to the resilience and dynamism of Nepalese society. The ability to come together, embrace differences, and find common ground demonstrates the strength inherent in diversity, enabling Nepal and its people to overcome challenges and collectively progress.

Perception and Identity


For many Nepalese individuals, their self-identification aligns closely with their ethnic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds. They proudly associate themselves with their specific communities, taking pride in their cultural practices, language, and heritage. Collectively, the different ethnic groups and communities contribute to a broader Nepalese identity that encompasses the nation’s shared history, values, and aspirations.

International Perception

Internationally, Nepal is recognized for its cultural diversity, breathtaking landscapes, and the warm hospitality of its people. The image of Nepal as a land of mountains, temples, and an enchanting blend of traditions captures the attention and imagination of people around the world. The resilience, peaceful coexistence, and multicultural fabric of society add to Nepal’s global reputation as a unique and captivating destination.

In conclusion, Nepal’s demographics paint a vivid picture of a nation steeped in cultural heritage, linguistic diversity, and religious harmony. The people of Nepal, with their rich ethnic identities, contribute to a vibrant society that cherishes its tradition while embracing progress and unity. Nepal’s journey as a multicultural nation is a testament to the strength and beauty derived from diversity, fostering social harmony and a shared national identity.

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