What is the National Animal of Nepal

What Animals Live In Nepal?

Nepal, a land adorned with breathtaking landscapes, boasts a rich and diverse assortment of animals that call it home. From the elusive snow leopard prowling the majestic Himalayas to the graceful one-horned rhinoceros majestically roaming the plains of Terai, Nepal is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise.

Delve into the fascinating world of Nepal’s animals and discover the incredible biodiversity that thrives in this beautiful country.

Mammals of Nepal

Big Cats

Nepal is home to some of the most iconic big cat species in the world, including the majestic Bengal Tiger and the elusive Snow Leopard. These big cats play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. The Bengal Tiger, known for its striking beauty and strength, is found primarily in Chitwan and Bardiya National Parks. The Snow Leopard, on the other hand, resides in the rugged and remote Himalayan regions, making it a rare and elusive sight.


Nepal is also known for its diverse primate population. One of the most famous primate species found in Nepal is the playful and intelligent Langur. These tree-dwelling primates are often seen swinging from branch to branch in the lush jungles of Nepal. Another popular primate species is the Rhesus Monkey, known for its mischievous behavior and distinct red face. These primates can be spotted in various national parks and wildlife reserves across the country.


Ungulates, or hoofed mammals, are abundant in Nepal. One of the most iconic ungulate species found here is the One-horned Rhinoceros, which is native to Nepal’s Terai region. These magnificent creatures can be observed in their natural habitat in Chitwan National Park, where conservation efforts have helped their population thrive. Additionally, Nepal is home to the Wild Water Buffalo, an endangered ungulate species that is found primarily in the Karnali and Babai river systems.


Rodents are a diverse group of mammals found in Nepal. From the adorable and agile Himalayan Marmots to the charismatic and social Himalayan Rats, these small critters play an integral role in the ecosystem. They can be found in various habitats, from high mountain regions to dense forests. Despite their small size, rodents contribute greatly to the overall biodiversity of Nepal.


Although landlocked, Nepal is not devoid of marine life. In fact, several species of cetaceans, or marine mammals, can be found in Nepal’s rivers. The most notable cetacean species found here is the Gangetic Dolphin. These elusive and graceful creatures reside in the Gandak, Rapti, and Karnali rivers, providing a unique opportunity for visitors to witness their beauty.

Birds of Nepal

Bird Species

Nepal is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 900 species of birds recorded in this diverse country. From the endangered and majestic Great Indian Bustard to the vibrant and colorful Himalayan Monal, there is an incredible variety of avian species to discover. The lush forests, wetlands, and high-altitude habitats of Nepal offer a haven for both resident and migratory bird species.

Endangered Species

Nepal is committed to conserving its endangered bird species, such as the critically endangered White-rumped Vulture, the endangered Bengal Florican, and the vulnerable Sarus Crane. Conservation efforts, including habitat restoration and protection, have been instrumental in safeguarding these majestic creatures and ensuring their survival for future generations.

Migratory Birds

Nepal serves as an important wintering ground and stopover site for numerous migratory bird species. Each year, thousands of birds, such as the Bar-headed Goose, the Northern Pintail, and the Black-tailed Godwit, travel long distances to escape the harsh winters of their breeding grounds. The wetlands and marshes of Nepal provide vital resources and protection for these migratory birds.

Bird Watching Sites

For avid birdwatchers, Nepal offers an array of prime locations to indulge in their passion. Some popular bird watching sites include the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, where one can witness the breathtaking sight of countless waterfowl and wetland species. The Annapurna Conservation Area is another hotspot, offering a unique opportunity to spot endangered species like the Himalayan Griffon and the Satyr Tragopan amidst breathtaking mountain vistas.

Reptiles of Nepal

Crocodile Species

Nepal is home to two species of crocodiles. The most iconic among them is the mighty Mugger Crocodile, easily recognizable by its broad snout and distinctive bumpy skin. These crocodiles can be found in the rivers and wetlands of the Terai region. The other crocodile species found in Nepal is the critically endangered Gharial, characterized by its long snout and slender body. Conservation efforts have been vital in protecting these magnificent reptiles from extinction.

Turtle and Tortoise Species

Nepal boasts a rich diversity of turtle and tortoise species. The Indian Flapshell Turtle, the Spotted Pond Turtle, and the critically endangered Black Softshell Turtle are just a few examples of the fascinating reptiles found in Nepal. These gentle creatures can be found in various aquatic habitats, including rivers, lakes, and marshes.

Snake Species

Nepal is home to a wide variety of snake species, both venomous and non-venomous. The venomous snakes, such as the King Cobra and the Indian Cobra, are feared and respected for their lethal venom. On the other hand, non-venomous snakes like the Rat Snake and the Keelback Snake play a crucial role in keeping the rodent population in check. These snakes can be found in diverse habitats ranging from forests to farmland.

Amphibians of Nepal

Frog Species

Nepal is known for its vibrant and diverse population of frogs. From the vibrant and poisonous Golden Poison Frog to the iconic and elusive Common Indian Toad, these amphibians play an important role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems. Frogs can be found in a wide variety of habitats, from streams and ponds to forests and meadows.

Toad Species

Toads are another prominent group of amphibians found in Nepal. The Asian Common Toad and the Indian Cricket Frog are among the common species encountered in various habitats across the country. These fascinating creatures are often associated with monsoon season, as they thrive in the wet and damp conditions.

Salamander Species

While salamanders are relatively less common in Nepal, they are still an important component of the country’s amphibian diversity. The Fire Salamander and the Nepalise Hill Salamander can be found in the high-altitude regions of Nepal, where they take shelter in cool, moist habitats. These unique amphibians are a delight to spot for nature enthusiasts exploring the mountainous regions.

Fish of Nepal

Freshwater Fish Species

Nepal’s rivers and lakes are teeming with a diverse array of freshwater fish species. The Mahseer, a popular game fish, is known for its powerful and acrobatic fighting abilities. Other iconic species include the Barilius, the Danio, and the Goonch. These fish inhabit the pristine rivers and lakes of Nepal and contribute to the region’s rich aquatic biodiversity.

Aquarium Fish Species

Nepal also has a thriving aquarium fish industry, with numerous exotic and colorful species being bred for the global market. The Guppy, the Siamese Fighting Fish, and the Zebra Danio are some of the popular species that can be seen in aquariums around the world. The beauty and diversity of these aquatic species make them highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts.

Invertebrates of Nepal


Nepal is a paradise for butterfly enthusiasts, with over 660 species of butterflies recorded here. The iconic Kaiser-i-Hind, the beautiful Common Jezebel, and the elusive Red Helen are just a few examples of the stunning butterfly species found in Nepal. These delicate creatures are attracted to the country’s lush forests and vibrant flower meadows.


Nepal is home to a wide variety of spiders, ranging from the small and harmless orb weavers to the venomous huntsman spiders. These fascinating arachnids can be found in various habitats, including forests, fields, and even human settlements. While some people may fear spiders, they are crucial for controlling insect populations and maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems.


Mollusks, such as snails and clams, are an important part of Nepal’s invertebrate diversity. These soft-bodied creatures are found in diverse habitats, from freshwater rivers and lakes to moist forest floors. The Giant African Snail and the Zebra Mussel are just a few examples of the mollusk species found in Nepal.

Endangered Species in Nepal

One-horned Rhinoceros

The One-horned Rhinoceros is an iconic and endangered species found primarily in Nepal’s Chitwan National Park. Conservation efforts have been instrumental in protecting these magnificent creatures from poaching and habitat loss. The one-horned rhinoceros is a symbol of conservation success, as their population has steadily increased in recent years.

Bengal Tiger

The Bengal Tiger is one of Nepal’s most iconic and critically endangered species. These majestic big cats are primarily found in the Terai region and are protected within various national parks and wildlife reserves. Conservation efforts to combat poaching and protect their habitats are crucial to the survival of the Bengal Tiger.

Wild Water Buffalo

The Wild Water Buffalo is an impressive and endangered species found in Nepal’s Terai region. These mighty creatures can weigh up to 2,000 kilograms and are characterized by their massive horns and intimidating stature. Their population has significantly declined due to habitat loss and hunting, making conservation efforts vital for their survival.

Red Panda

The adorable and elusive Red Panda is a symbol of Nepal’s rich biodiversity. These charismatic creatures are found in the high-altitude forests of the Himalayas. While their population is under threat due to habitat loss and illegal trade, conservation initiatives have been implemented to protect their habitats and ensure their survival for future generations.

Snow Leopard

The Snow Leopard is a highly elusive and endangered species that calls the rugged mountains of Nepal home. These majestic big cats are perfectly adapted to survive in the harsh alpine environments. Conservation efforts, including habitat protection and anti-poaching measures, are crucial to safeguarding the future of these magnificent creatures.

National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park, located in the Terai region, is one of Nepal’s premier wildlife destinations. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is renowned for its population of One-horned Rhinoceros, Bengal Tigers, and a wide range of bird species. Visitors can explore the park through jeep safaris, canoe rides, and jungle walks, providing a unique opportunity to witness the diverse wildlife of Nepal up close.

Bardiya National Park

Bardiya National Park, situated in the western Terai region, offers a pristine and secluded wilderness experience. This national park is renowned for its population of Bengal Tigers, Asiatic Elephants, and the critically endangered Gangetic Dolphin. With its vast grasslands, dense forests, and meandering rivers, Bardiya National Park provides a perfect habitat for a wide variety of wildlife.

Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park, home to the world-renowned Mount Everest, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site situated in the Eastern Himalayas. This protected area is characterized by its dramatic landscapes, including rugged mountains, deep valleys, and glaciers. It is also famous for its diverse wildlife, including snow leopards, red pandas, and Himalayan thars. Trekking through Sagarmatha National Park offers a unique opportunity to witness both natural beauty and wildlife in their pristine habitat.

Langtang National Park

Langtang National Park, located in the central part of Nepal, is known for its breathtaking mountain vistas and diverse wildlife. The park is home to the elusive snow leopard, red pandas, and numerous bird species. Trekking trails through Langtang National Park provide an opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty of nature while encountering an array of wildlife species.

Conservation Efforts in Nepal

Community Forests and Conservation Areas

Nepal has embraced the concept of community forests and conservation areas as a means to protect its natural resources and wildlife. Through collaborative efforts between local communities and the government, these initiatives aim to conserve and sustainably manage forests, providing crucial habitats for numerous species. Community involvement has played a significant role in enhancing conservation awareness and ensuring the long-term survival of wildlife in Nepal.

Wildlife Crime Control

Nepal has made significant efforts to combat wildlife crime and illegal trade. Strict laws and regulations have been implemented to safeguard endangered species and their habitats. Specialized units, such as the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, work diligently to apprehend poachers and traffickers, disrupt illegal networks, and raise public awareness about the consequences of wildlife crime.

Anti-Poaching Efforts

Nepal’s dedication to protecting its wildlife is evident through its robust anti-poaching efforts. Well-trained and equipped anti-poaching teams patrol protected areas, ensuring the safety of endangered species like the Bengal Tiger and the One-horned Rhinoceros. Additionally, initiatives to provide alternative sources of income and livelihoods for local communities have helped alleviate the pressures that drive poaching activities.

Animals in Nepalese Culture

Sacred Animals

Nepalese culture is deeply intertwined with animals, many of which hold great religious and cultural significance. The cow, considered sacred in Hinduism, is revered and protected. Similarly, the elephant is highly regarded and plays a prominent role in religious ceremonies and festivals. The national bird of Nepal, the Himalayan Monal, is also revered and celebrated for its vibrant plumage and cultural symbolism.

Animal Festivals

Nepal is known for its vibrant festivals, many of which celebrate the relationship between humans and animals. The festival of Dashain involves the worship of the goddess Durga and the offering of animal sacrifices. Similarly, during the Tihar festival, the cow, dog, and crow are honored with special rituals and offerings, symbolizing the bond between humans and animals.

Mythological Animals

Nepalese folklore and mythology are replete with mythical creatures and legendary animals. The mythical creature Khyah, a half-human, half-bird creature, is often depicted as a guardian of forests and protector of wildlife. Similarly, the mythical Yeti, a legendary creature believed to inhabit the Himalayas, has fascinated people around the world and is an integral part of Nepalese folklore.

As one explores the rich biodiversity and cultural heritage of Nepal, it becomes evident that the country is a treasure trove of unique and fascinating animal species. From the regal Bengal Tiger to the enchanting Red Panda, Nepal offers a diverse array of wildlife that captivates the hearts of both locals and visitors alike.

Coupled with the country’s commitment to conservation, Nepal serves as a shining example of how humans and animals can coexist harmoniously, ensuring the preservation of these magnificent creatures for generations to come.

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